
Year of projection


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Source: BHAS

Unit of Measurement: Number

Indicator available
Indicator description

School, in education statistics, is a group of pupils organized into one school unit with one or more teachers who perform certain kind of teaching by certain educational plan and programme, irrespective of a school being central or independent school, a regional unit or a unit within another type of school. Schools are also considered territorially separated units/regional units within basic schools as well as classes for children with special needs, within regular basic schools.

Geographical coverage
Unit of measurement


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Data last updated 2024-12-17: see changes on GitHub opens in a new window
Metadata last updated 2024-12-17: see changes on GitHub opens in a new window

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Indicator name

Children who completed primary school by sex

Indicator number


Target name

Primary school education

Target number


Global indicator description
UN designated tier


UN custodian agency
Link to UN metadata


Earliest available data
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